Batwing Mask w Jersey Knit ear loops and Toggle Bead cinch (FREE PDF Pattern)

Jersey Knit Batwing<——-download this  I have been kinda bonkers for the GoodNotes app for iPad with pencil! Here is a FREE PDF #MellyMasks pattern, made using the GoodNotes app. This is a six page, full color pdf pattern with artistic illustrations. The PDF is indexed, has thumbnails and bookmarked pages for easy reference. Please, ifContinue reading “Batwing Mask w Jersey Knit ear loops and Toggle Bead cinch (FREE PDF Pattern)”

Gentleman Doll

Gentleman Doll is a mask makers YouTube channel of note! I suggest you check it out and subscribe! Gentleman Doll (PDF)wear glasses sAvailable in multiple sizes DIY Mask Making  Gentleman Doll sometimes provides PDFs for print out, and in the case of the mask you see here, the PDF can be found in the descriptionContinue reading “Gentleman Doll”

Florabunda!’s Blue without You Pattern debut and GIVEAWAY!

Just look at this sun dazzled quilt. Doesn’t it make you want to curl up and read a book, out in the sun? Hope for a breeze. Have a full day of relaxation and contented, good feelings? That’s how it makes me feel! Tiffany Hayes designed Blue without You,  specifically for Florabunda! Isn’t it lovely?Continue reading “Florabunda!’s Blue without You Pattern debut and GIVEAWAY!”

Exponential Sew-plies

This weekend I became obsessed with making a Gather your Sew-plies purse for each day of the week. You can see, I am well on my way. I have been settling into a new form of textile art, which isn’t clearly defined yet but it seems to have something to do with cloth, dressing myself,Continue reading “Exponential Sew-plies”

Thank you and Welcome

If you are coming here from Create Mixed Media, thanks so much for stopping by and welcome. I have created this downloadable PDF pattern for the small purse (below) as a welcome and thanks to all of my readers.  Gather your Sew-plies!! <——Click it. I will be posting once a month on the Create Mixed MediaContinue reading “Thank you and Welcome”