Stitching, embroidery and telling stories with thread

Stitch is a gentle and impactful manner to tell stories, create imagery, and spend time.  Take, for instance this graffiti, a snapshot taken while in Barcelona, Spain, just over five years ago. I love birds, and am smitten with the quick, illegal stroke of the graffiti artists’ hand. Combine the two, and I definitely feelContinue reading “Stitching, embroidery and telling stories with thread”

Gathering, an introspection.

When sewing on the go, it is necessary to have a project bag. This bag, for me, serves a function. It serves as a place to embroidery reminders, occurrences, important dates, I love a project bag! It should be -just- big enough for a project, and a few choice supplies. The Gather your Sew-plies purseContinue reading “Gathering, an introspection.”

Learning to quilt again

 I have finally gotten to the point where I am using the cloth I have been printing all year long. I am very excited about this for several reasons. The most surprising of which is, I forgot how very much I like piecing and quilting. For years I have been ‘art quilting’, using thickened dyeContinue reading “Learning to quilt again”

Dots, Patterns, Quilts and Inspiration

I have been seeing pattern and dots everywhere. I love them. It started because I bought a copy of Victoria Findlay Wolfe‘s book 15 minutes of Play, and I fell in love with one of the quilts displayed in her book. The quilt is called Dot Calm, and was made by Karen Griska.  I have beenContinue reading “Dots, Patterns, Quilts and Inspiration”